History has probably never witnessed such a dramatic rise in technical sophistication, coupled with blanket penetration into everyday life, as has occurred in recent times with telecommunications. The combination of electronic systems, together with readily available programmable devices, provides endless possibilities for interconnecting what were previously separated and isolated means of communicating, both across the street and across the globe.
How, then, is the college- or university-level student to come to grips with all this sophistication in just a few semesters of study? Human learning has not changed substantially, but the means to acquire knowledge and shape understanding certainly has. This is through the ability to experiment, craft, code, and create systems of our own making. This book recognizes that a valuable approach is that of learn-by-doing, experimenting, making mistakes, and altering our mental models as a result. Whilst there are many excellent reference texts on the subject available, they can be opaque and impenetrable to the newcomer.
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