Content: Acknowledgments, vii Introduction, ix Clinical trials and organizations: abbreviations and acronyms, xv 1 Classification, diagnosis and presentation, 1 2 Diabetes emergencies, 25 3 Infections and the diabetic foot, 49 4 Eyes and kidneys, 77 5 Neuropathy, musculoskeletal and skin, 115 6 Diabetes and the cardiovascular system, 141 7 Type 1 diabetes: glycaemic control, 171 8 Type 1 diabetes: technology and transplants, 197 9 Type 2 diabetes: weight loss, exercise and other lifestyle interventions, 217 10 Type 2 diabetes: glycaemic control, 241 11 Hypertension, 315 12 Lipids, 359 13 Clinical aspects of the metabolic syndrome, 387 14 Youth and emerging adulthood
old age, 401 15 Psychological aspects of diabetes, 425 Index
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