This is a book on Agile technical practices, principles and values. The readers will first learn individual practices (TDD, Refactoring, Pair Programming, simple design and more). Afterwards they will focus on principles of Software Design, their relationships and systemic reasons, ending with a business oriented and sociotechnical perspective. The authors of the book have been working as software developers and coaches for years, accumulating more then half a century of experience. During this period working in the trenches of teaching software design we created lots of content and shared many stories of real professional life among us. From the feedback we had, we thought it would be a good idea to organize all the information in a single place, following a logical sequence, creating a sort of learning journey. We touch all the principles we consider important to master, dropping too many details. In our profession the information are far too many to be all memorized, let alone mastered. The ability to select what to focus on is maybe more important then the ability of learning itself. We all are very excited to be able to share with you our personal selection of content and the lessons we learned the hard way. We genuinely hope that at the end of it you will find some new ideas for improving your Software Design skills, the relationship within your team and your business as well.
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