The book’s features help you focus on important concepts to succeed in this course:
Chapter Objectives–Review core concepts by answering the focus questions listed at the beginning of each chapter.
Key Terms–Refer to the lists of networking vocabulary introduced and highlighted in context in each chapter.
Glossary–Consult the comprehensive Glossary with 347 terms.
Summary of Activities and Labs–Maximize your study time with this complete list of all associated practice exercises at the end of each chapter.
Check Your Understanding–Evaluate your readiness with the end-of-chapter questions that match the style of questions you see in the online course quizzes. The answer key explains each answer.
How To–Look for this icon to studythe steps you need to learn to perform certain tasks.
Interactive Activities–Reinforce your understanding of topics with dozens of exercises from the online course identified throughout the book with this icon.
Packet Tracer Activities–Explore and visualize networking concepts using Packet Tracer exercises interspersed throughout the chapters and provided in the accompanying Labs & Study Guide book.
Videos–Watch the videos embedded within the online course.
Hands-on Labs–Work through all the course labs and additional Class Activities that are included in the course and published in the separate Labs & Study Guide.
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