- Features more than 2,300 exceptionally clear illustrations, diagnostic images, and step-by-step surgical photographs that offer superb visual guidance.
- Contains 14 new chapters, including Nanothin DSAEK, Aqueous Deficiency Dry Eye Syndrome, Evaluation of Recurrent Corneal Erosions, Evaluation of the Corneal Ulcer, Contemporary Approaches to the Biosynthetic Cornea, and Topography Guided Photorefractive Keratectomy, and more.
- Includes more than 80 video clips of current corneal surgery techniques, including new clips of the application of cryopreserved amniotic membrane in the treatment of acute stevens , penetrating keratoplasty, DM rupture management in STALK and in the keratonconus patient, and KAMRA corneal inlay implantation.
- Covers the latest developments in ocular surface transplantation, including new chapters on Conjunctival Limbal Autograft (CLAU); Living Related Conjunctival Limbal Allograft (Lr-CLAL); Keratolimbal Allograft; Cultivated Limbal Epithelial Transplantation; Simple Limbal Epithelial Transplantation; and Outcomes of Ocular Surface Transplantation.
- Provides key point overviews in each chapter that offer easier access to crucial information
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