How Creative Workers Learn: Develop your career with emergent learning and succeed in the creativity age: Volume 1 (Learning 3.0)


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**“We all need to learn new skills and ideas, for our work or personal lives. If you have ever wondered why some courses work better than others, you need Learning 3.0. Read this book and see how you can learn to learn.”

“Reading Learning 3.0 was like a million light bulbs coming on at once. This book answers the biggest challenge facing my business and all businesses in the knowledge economy.” – JACK HUBBARD – CEO OF PROPELLERNET BRIGHTON, UNITED KINGDOM


The future belongs to the creative workers that are able to out-learn their competition. In a world or writers, programmers, testers, managers the single most important enabler for career success is simply: Learning!

Drawing on years of experience, and study of the creative worker professions, Magno an accomplished IT consultant, abandoned his career, sold his company to dedicate his life to help you learn better. Over the last few years he’s studied all kinds of professionals, from IT to the medical profession, from management to sales, to understand and document how these professionals learn. This book collets his lessons learned, practices and tools that you can learn to become a successful creative worker.

How Creative Workers Learn takes you on a journey of discovery, you will understand how you can effectively manage your career, using learning as your tool to build a future you can be proud of.

“In this thought provoking and insightful book, Alexandre puts forward a new model of learning fit for the 21st century – one that is more emergent and ultimately effective. Embrace Learning 3.0 and play your part in the learning revolution that’s already underway.” – LAURENCE MCCAHILL – CO-FOUNDER OF THE HAPPY STARTUP SCHOOL BRIGHTON, UNITED KINGDOM”**


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