Introduction to Software Design with Java (pdf)


Author Martin P. Robillard
Edition 1
Edition Year 2019
Format PDF
ISBN 9783030240936
Language English
Number Of Pages 309
Publisher springer


The narrative is supported by hundreds of code fragments and design diagrams.
The first chapter is a general introduction to software design. The subsequent chapters cover design concepts and techniques, which are presented as a continuous narrative anchored in specific design problems. The design concepts and techniques covered include effective use of types and interfaces, encapsulation, composition, inheritance, design patterns, unit testing, and many more. A major emphasis is placed on coding and experimentation as a necessary complement to reading the text. To support this aspect of the learning process, a companion website with practice problems is provided, and three sample applications that capture numerous design decisions are included. Guidance on these sample applications is provided in a section called “Code Exploration” at the end of each chapter. Although the Java language is used as a means of conveying design-related ideas, the book’s main goal is to address concepts and techniques that are applicable in a host of technologies.
This book is intended for readers who have a minimum of programming experience and want to move from writing small programs and scripts to tackling the development of larger systems. This audience naturally includes students in university-level computer science and software engineering programs. As the prerequisites to specific computing concepts are kept to a minimum, the content is also accessible to programmers without a primary training in computing. In a similar vein, understanding the code fragments requires only a minimal grasp of the language, such as would be taught in an introductory programming course.

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Martin P. Robillard



Edition Year








Number Of Pages





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