Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms (pdf)


Author Loiane Groner
Edition 3
Edition Year 2018
Format PDF
ISBN 9781788623872
Language English
Number Of Pages 426
Publisher Packt Publishing


Book Description

A data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer to utilize resources efficiently. Data structures and algorithms are the base of every solution to any programming problem. With this book, you will learn to write complex and powerful code using the latest ES 2017 features.

Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms begins by covering the basics of JavaScript and introduces you to ECMAScript 2017, before gradually moving on to the most important data structures such as arrays, queues, stacks, and linked lists. You will gain in-depth knowledge of how hash tables and set data structures function as well as how trees and hash maps can be used to search files in an HD or represent a database. This book serves as a route to take you deeper into JavaScript. You’ll also get a greater understanding of why and how graphs, one of the most complex data structures, are largely used in GPS navigation systems in social networks.

Toward the end of the book, you’ll discover how all the theories presented in this book can be applied to solve real-world problems while working on your own computer networks and Facebook searches.

Create classic data structures and algorithms such as depth-first search and breadth-first search, learn recursion, as well as create and use a heap data structure using JavaScript

Key Features

  • Implement common data structures and the associated algorithms along with the context in which they are used
  • Master existing JavaScript data structures such as arrays, sets, and maps, and learn how to implement new ones such as stacks, linked lists, trees, and graphs in ES 8
  • Develop abstract data types to make JavaScript a more flexible and powerful programming language

    What you will learn

    • Declare, initialize, add, and remove items from arrays, stacks, and queues
    • Create and use linked lists, doubly linked lists, and circular linked lists
    • Store unique elements with hash tables, dictionaries, and sets
    • Explore the use of binary trees and binary search trees
    • Sort data structures using algorithms such as bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quick sort
    • Search elements in data structures using sequential sort and binary search

    Who This Book Is For

    If you’re a JavaScript developer who wants to dive deep into JavaScript and write complex programs using JavaScript data structures and algorithms, this book is for you.

    Table of Contents

    1. JavaScript – A Quick Overview
    2. ECMAScript and TypeScript Overview
    3. Arrays
    4. Stacks
    5. Queues and Deques
    6. Linked Lists
    7. Sets
    8. Dictionaries and Hashes
    9. Recursion
    10. Trees
    11. Binary Heap and Heap Sort
    12. Graphs
    13. Sorting and Searching Algorithms
    14. Algorithm Designs and Techniques
    15. Algorithm Complexity

Additional information


Loiane Groner



Edition Year








Number Of Pages



Packt Publishing


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