Management of Breast Diseases (pdf)


Medication use is the predominant form of health intervention in our society.

Written in a practical format by contributors from Australia and the United States, Medication Management in Older Adults: A Concise Guide for Clinicians presents the available evidence on research interventions designed to reduce the incidence of medication errors in older adults, with a focus on acute, subacute, and residential (long-term) care settings. Because medication errors can occur at all stages in the medication process, from prescription by physicians to delivery of medication to the patient by nurses, and in any site in the health system, it is essential that interventions be targeted at all aspects of medication delivery. Chapters cover the principles of medical ethics in relation to medication management; common medication errors in the acute care sector; medication management in long-term care settings; nutrition and medications; the outcomes of a systematic review; dose form alterations; Electronic Health Records (EHR), Computerized Order Entry (COE), Beers criteria; and pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. For those clinicians especially concerned with providing the best possible outcomes for their older adult patients, Medication Management in Older Adults: A Concise Guide for Clinicians is an invaluable resource and a significant contribution to the burgeoning literature on medication errors.


And as we age, the likelihood of medication use increases dramatically, with more than 80 percent of those over age 65 using one or more medications. Along with that, the potential for medication errors also increases. Indeed adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and adverse drug events (ADEs) are a significant problem in older adults.

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In 2002, Lippincott published the Manual of Breast Diseases, edited by Professor Ismail Jatoi. The current book, Management of Breast Diseases, is an adaptation of that manual, with Professor Manfred Kaufmann of the Goethe-University of Frankfurt serving as co-editor. Most of the chapters from the original manual have been either extensively revised or discarded, and several new chapters added. This text contains more material than the original manual, but it is still intended as a basic guide for the wide spectrum of clinicians (surgeons, gynecologists, oncologists, radiation onco- gists, internists, general practitioners) who treat breast diseases, both benign and malignant. To compile this text, we assembled experts from throughout the world. Thus, this text provides not only a broad overview of breast diseases, but also highlights diff- ent perspectives from different parts of the world. Yet, it is worth noting that the management of breast cancer is now largely predicated on evidence-based medicine. Several large, randomized prospective trials have demonstrated the ef? cacy of breast cancer screening and chemoprevention. Other large trials have addressed the impact of systemic therapy, radiotherapy, and variations in local therapy on breast cancer mortality. Many of these landmark trials are discussed in this text, and they clearly have had a bene? cial effect. Indeed, since about 1990, breast cancer mortality rates have declined substantially in most industrialized countries, and this trend is expected to continue in the years ahead.

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Martha C. Johnson (auth.), Dr. Ismail Jatoi, Prof. Dr. Manfred Kaufmann (eds.)



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Springer Berlin Heidelberg


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