Web 2.0 2003-08 AC (After Crash): The Resurgence of the Internet and E-Commerce


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**ExecEnablers: Web 2.0, written by leading technology visionary Dermot McCormack, outlines the future of the Internet and technology economy and how entrepreneurs, investors, executives and consumers can take advance of the opportunities. Think the Internet economy and e-Commerce are dead? You’re wrong! The first phase of the Internet economy has come to an end with the dramatic fall in the markets, however phase two (Web 2.0) is just getting started and will take shape much more cautiously over the next couple of years. In this book, Dermot McCormack clearly outlines the specific trends, challenges and opportunities for companies, consumers, the stock market and entrepreneurs. A critical read for every CEO, executive, investor, consultant, entrepreneur and anyone interesting in profiting on a professional or personal level in the next phase of the Internet and technology economy**


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